- Laspeyres index
- Last price
- Late indices
- Lead brokers
- Lead manager
- Legal Entity Identifier
- Leverage (Warrant)
- Liability for statement made in a propectus (Prospekthaftung)
- Limit
- Limit order
- Line chart
- Liquidity
- Liquidity Category
- Liquidity Classes
- List price
- Listing
- Load (XTF)
- Loan value
- Lockup period
- Lokomarket
- Lombard rate
- Long position
- Low
A market segment of a stock exchange in which the settlement of a transaction - i. e. delivery, taking delivery, and payment - must take place within a short time after the transaction has been concluded.
Germany, the settlement period is two trading days. Cash market transactions on FWB® Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (the Frankfurt Stock Exchange) are settled both on the floor and in the Xetra electronic trading system.
Antonym: derivatives market
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