Ceconomy St

ISIN: DE0007257503 | WKN: 725750 | Symbol: CEC | Type: Equity


Since the demerger of Metro Group in 2017, CECONOMY AG has been operating as an independent company, listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the new abbreviation CEC and the previous ISIN. All share price data prior to July 13, 2017 in this section refer to the predecessor company Metro Group.

Infos for Sustainability

The rating agency ISS ESG assesses the sustainability of companies with regard to environmental, social and corporate governance issues. These ratings are public here, where available. In addition, the company can voluntarily provide information and refer to research, reports and ratings from others. 

ESG Profile


CECONOMY is aware of its responsibility towards people and the environment. Throughout the value chain, the business is being brought into line with the ecological, social and legal conditions. The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are used as a guiding framework. These goals for sustainable development are a guideline for companies all over the world. CECONOMY aims to amplify its business activity’s positive influence on the SDGs while systematically reducing negative effects. In dialogue and cooperation with stakeholders, forward-looking solutions are being developed to ultimately created added value for all.

CECONOMY’s sustainability strategy is fundamentally based on two pillars: making its own operating processes sustainable and offering products and services that enable customers to live a sustainable lifestyle. Together with the SDGs, these two pillars form the basis for the sustainability strategy. The material issues also determine the content of the separate non-financial group report.

As a member of the United Nations Global Compact, both CECONOMY and the MediaMarktSaturn Retail Group (MMSRG) are committed to its ten principles and undertake to work actively on the realization of the SDGs. In the 2020/21 financial year, CECONOMY also signed the uniform principles of action of the German Retail Federation (Handelsverband Deutschland – HDE) for responsible, sustainable action and joined the Green Consumption Pledge, an EU-wide initiative and part of the European Climate Pact.

The Management Board of CECONOMY AG is the senior body for dealing with the topic of sustainability and is responsible for strategic decisions and tracking targets and progress.

Website link


In the separate non-financial group report, CECONOMY gives an account of the implementation status of its sustainability strategy. CECONOMY reports on successes, progress and its plans for the quarters ahead.

sustainability report 2022/23

ISS ESG Ratings*

ESG Rating Overall C
Environmental Rating C
Social Rating C
Governance Rating B+
ESG Rating Decile Rank 1
ESG Performance Score 49
ESG Corporate Rating Prime Status No
SDG Impact Rating Overall 3.206
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*Data provided by ISS ESG


CDPScore: A-
Management band (B/B-): Following best practices on climate issues
EcoVadisScore: 50/100
Very high transparency level and highest decile rank (1) amongst retail sector companies
Rating with potential to become an industry leader (AA-AAA)
SustainalyticsScore: 13.3
Low risk