For Manz AG, a globally active high-tech engineering company with a comprehensive technology portfolio, sustainability aspects form the foundation of the company’s strategy and vision. As a company, taking responsibility for our employees and the environment is, according to our belief, the key foundation for long-term success. We see the careful use of our resources as our social obligation to present and future generations. For us, economic success and responsible behavior are not a contradiction, but decisive factors for the future viability of the Group.
Both while developing new products and services and in operating production equipment,
we ensure that negative impacts on the environment are kept to a minimum through responsible use of resources. Using large photovoltaics, we generate a substantial share of our electricity requirement with solar energy at our locations in Germany and China. As a reliable employer, we assume social responsibility throughout the Group. This includes the fact that, as a company, we pay local taxes in the respective countries in which we operate and do not pursue an active tax avoidance strategy. In addition, we support different social institutions with an annual financial contribution.
Overall, we set ourselves the goal, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and 2) in the entire Group by 21 % relative to revenue by 2026 compared to base year 2020. Our strategy is based on the avoidance and reduction of GHG emissions. In order to make a further active contribution to climate protection, we have been supporting selected certified climate projects since 2021, primarily in developing and emerging countries.