After the recent losses on the stock markets, bets are sometimes placed on prices falling further, sometimes on prices rising again. In addition, much revolves around tech and now also semiconductor stocks. Many consider the oil price increase to be exaggerated.
17 August 2023. FRANKFURT (Frankfurt Stock Exchange). The price setbacks on the stock markets are reviving trading in certificates. "Turnover is higher than in the previous month," reports Markus Königer of ICF Bank, referring to the past four weeks. According to Patrick Kesselhut of Société Générale, the higher oil price is also making itself felt in trading: "The Brent price has risen by around 20 percent since June, which is a much stronger movement than in the stock market." The most popular underlyings at ICF are DAX, Nasdaq, Dow Jones, gold and oil, and at Société Générale DAX, Dow Jones, Nasdaq, gold and euro/US dollar.
The DAX had climbed to a new all-time high of 16,524 points at the end of July, but then fell to currently only 15,741 points. US technology stocks, which had previously performed well, also fell recently. The Nasdaq 100 currently stands at 14,908 points, compared with over 15,800 points in mid-July.
DAX and Nasdaq: Bet on both directions
In trading with investment products on the DAX, discount certificates continue to be in demand, as Kesselhut reports, but also simple tracker products as well as bonus certificates. This is also shown by the current turnover figures of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange with a high trading volume in various discount certificates on the German share index (<DE000VX5B590>, <DE000HG231M2>).
With leverage products, bets are sometimes placed on rising, sometimes on falling prices, for example with factor 14x long (DE000SN3JEK8) or factor 15x short warrants (DE000SV4KQT9). "We see both directions," reports Kesselhut. That also applies to open-end knock certificates with calls (DE000SQ07SC6) and puts (<DE000SD7BDW5>), he adds. "The only thing that stands out is that the bulls are very conservative." Also regarding the Nasdaq, both sides are played at ICF with bullish (<DE000TT52K01>) and bearish (<DE000HS064X0>) knock-out products.
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DAX und Nasdaq: Setzen auf beide Richtungen
Im Handel mit Anlageprodukten auf den DAX sind weiter Discount-Zertifikate gefragt, wie Kesselhut meldet, aber auch einfache Tracker-Produkte sowie Bonus-Zertifikate. Das zeigen auch die aktuellen Umsatzzahlen der Börse Frankfurt mit einem hohen Handelsaufkommen in unterschiedlichen Discount-Zertifikaten auf den deutschen Aktienindex (<DE000VX5B590>, <DE000HG231M2>).
Mit Hebelprodukten wird mal auf steigende, mal auf fallende Kurse gesetzt, etwa mit Faktor 14x Long- (DE000SN3JEK8) oder Faktor 15x Short-Optionsscheinen (DE000SV4KQT9). „Wir sehen beide Richtungen“, meldet Kesselhut. Das gelte auch für Open-End-Knock-Zertifikate mit Calls (DE000SQ07SC6) und Puts (<DE000SD7BDW5>). „Auffällig ist nur, dass die Bullen sehr konservativ sind.“ Auch bezüglich des Nasdaq werden bei der ICF beide Seiten gespielt mit bullishen (<DE000TT52K01>) und bearishen (<DE000HS064X0>) Knock-Out-Produkten.
View on tech and semiconductor companies
In the case of certificates on individual stocks, much continues to revolve around the "Magnificent 7", i.e. the major US tech stocks Alphabet, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, Meta, Tesla or Nvidia. However, positioning on semiconductor stocks such as Infineon has also been in high demand recently. The Infineon price had almost doubled since last summer to almost 40 euros, most recently it went down to currently 32.40 euros. Most popular single values are according to Königer Infineon, Tesla, Microsoft, Nvidia and Apple, Kesselhut calls Deutsche Bank, Tesla and Commerzbank.
Interest in discount certificates is also high here. "They just promise a nice sideways yield," notes Königer, naming products on Infineon (<DE000DW6YQU9>), but also LVMH (<DE000DW4L6B0>) and Schneider Electric (<DE000DW3TAF1>). At Société Générale, there is a lot going on in discount certificates on Dutch semiconductor manufacturer NXP Semiconductors (<DE000SV2YFG4>) and ThyssenKrupp (<DE000SV75J79>), and also in capped bonus certificates on Eon (<DE000SV20GC4>).
Among leveraged products, open-end knock-out calls on Infineon (<DE000HG7VN08>) are in demand, according to Königer. Also popular: call warrants on Tesla (DE000PD98UQ5>, DE000HG60KZ7), Microsoft (<DE000HG3S7G5>), Nvidia (<DE000HG9ED33>) and Apple (<DE000HG3S3Y7>), as well as bullish but also bearish open-end knock-out products on the tech stocks. "As for Tesla, there is a colorful picture of call (<DE000SH79GK2>) and put warrants," reports Kesselhut.
"Highly leveraged shorts on Brent."
The oil price has apparently gone too far for some. A barrel of Brent currently costs just under 84 U.S. dollars after 72 U.S. dollars at the end of June. The background is production cuts by Saudi Arabia and falling oil exports by Russia. "We are seeing mainly highly leveraged shorts on Brent," explains Kesselhut. As an example, he cites open-end knock-out puts with knock-out barriers of $97.265 (<DE000SN5PPR1>) and $89.051 (<DE000SQ5HAF2>), respectively. ICF also bets on the oil price, but here sometimes on rising prices, for example with factor 3x long warrants on Brent Crude ICE Rolling (DE000PX3BRT9), sometimes on falling prices, for example with open-end knock-out puts (<DE000DW7WRE3>).
"Also, gold always moves, even if the price doesn't move that much," notes Kesselhut. Bearish and bullish open-end knock-outs are popular, he says. The troy ounce of gold currently costs US$1,900, up from over US$2,000 in early May.
It has become somewhat quieter around cryptocurrencies, as Königer reports. However, the tracker product on Der Aktionär Krypto TSI (CH1171791515) is still one of the highest-turnover individual products at ICF. It tracks a basket of different cryptocurrencies. The most important currency Bitcoin has fallen back below the $30,000 mark, currently at $28,580.
By: Anna-Maria Borse, August 17, 2023, © Deutsche
Anna-Maria Borse is a finance and economics editor specializing in financial markets/stock markets and economic topics.
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