Deutsche Börse AG
Adress | Members of the Board | Legal information |
Deutsche Börse AG Phone +49 69 2110 | Stephan Leithner (Chairman of the Executive Board) Christoph Böhm Thomas Book Stephanie Eckermann Heike Eckert Gregor Pottmeyer | German stock corporation registered in Frankfurt/Main HRB No. 32232 Local court: Frankfurt/Main VAT/Sales Tax ID No.: DE 114151950 Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs): 529900G3SW56SHYNPR95 |
Deutsche Börse AG operates the Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (FWB – Frankfurt Stock Exchange). The FWB is supervised by the Ministry of Economics, Energy, Transport and Housing, Exchange Supervisory Authority, Kaiser Friedrich Ring 75, 65185 Wiesbaden, Germany.
Börse Frankfurt
Hosting | Editorial Responsibility |
ARIVA.DE AG Neufeldtstraße 9 24118 Kiel Tel: +49-(0) 431-971080 Fax: +49-(0) 0431-9710829 E-Mail: Internet: | Edda Vogt Deutsche Börse AG 60313 Frankfurt am Main Tel: +49-(0) 69-211-1 8310 Fax: +49-(0) 69-211-6 18310 E-Mail: |
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