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Shareholders' meeting according to article 107 section 3 AktG UBM Development AG: Convening of the 143rd Annual General Meeting --> Wien (pta012/22.04.2024/09:00 UTC+2) We hereby invite our shareholders to the Annual...
If you look at the many investment guides, you can sometimes get the impression that long-term investing is a kind of martyrdom. Examples? Appeals to perseverance, the need to act robotically and - for God's sake - never follow the crowd. "Really?"...
If you look at the many investment guides, you can sometimes get the impression that long-term investing is a kind of martyrdom. Examples? Appeals to perseverance, the need to act robotically and - for God's sake - never follow the crowd....
WisdomTree now offers exposure to crude oil with various levers and positive or negative mapping, as well as a currency-hedged basket of industrial metals. 31 July 2023. FRANKFURT (Börse Frankfurt). Since Monday, four new exchange-traded commodities...
Business news for the stock market Software AG: Software AG recommends acceptance of voluntary public tender offer by Silver Lake --> Darmstadt (pta/26.05.2023/17:02 UTC+2) Joint Reasoned Statement by Software AG's Management...
Business news for the stock market Software AG: Software AG confirms receipt of another non-binding expression of interest from Rocket Software --> Darmstadt (pta/09.05.2023/23:20) - Software AG confirms receipt of another...