Börse Frankfurt Zertifikate

Rules and regulations


Admission and regs - all trading members

General Terms and Conditions of Deutsche Börse AGLink
Conditions for Transactions on the FWB (incl. "Mistrade Rule")Link
Exchange Rules for the FWBLink
Fee Regulations for the FWBLink
Trading Regulation for the Regulated Unofficial Market on the FWBLink
Utilization Agreement of the Exchange EDP and of the EDP Xontro                                                       Link
Utilization Agreement - General Terms and Conditions                Link
Utilization Agreement - Price ListLink
Trading campaigns Link



Application for the connection to Xentric Quote Source (German)PDF
Requirements to quote provider in the market maker model (German)PDF
Cooperation agreement for the quality segment Börse Frankfurt Zertifikate Premium (German)            PDF


Admission structured products (open market)

Process and interface description                   PDF
Excel- single applicationXLS
Formular ExposéPDF
Order sheet: Listing packages for foreign currency products (German)                                                  PDF


Delisting Structured Products

Request: Excel Delisting (German)                                                                                                          XLS


eListing Structured Products

eListing Structured Products: Process Process and Interface Description                                              PDF
Contract of use PDF


Börse Frankfurt Certificates