- A-Share
- AAA rating
- abs.
- Accrual bond
- Accumulate
- Acquisition currency
- Actively managed fund
- Ad-hoc disclosure
- Additional margin
- Admission of securities to the Regulated Market
- Admission to the exchange
- Admissions Office
- Advance-decline (AD)
- AIBD return (ISMA return)
- AIBD return (ISMA-return)
- All-time high
- All-time low
- Allocation
- Allotment
- Alpha
- American depositary receipt (ADR)
- American depositary share (ADS)
- American-style option
- Annual General Meeting
- AQR (VWAP) executions
- Arbitrage
- Asian option
- Ask
- Ask price
- Asset class
- Asset-backed security
- Asterisk * (price addendum)
- At the money
- Attentism
- Auction principle
- Automatic exercise (warrants)
Annual General Meeting
Meeting of the shareholders and bodies of a stock corporation
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) convenes once a year. The date is announced by the company's executive board, with at least one month's notice. At the AGM, the Executive Board informs shareholders on the company's current economic and financial situation and its projected future development. Other typical items on the agenda of the AGM are to grant discharge to the executive and supervisory boards, to vote on the appropriation of profits, to appoint an auditor, and to discuss and vote on important corporate policy issues (takeovers, capital increases, etc.). Shareholders can exercise their right to vote at the AGM.
In urgent cases, an extraordinary General Meeting can be summoned.
Our glossary explains important financial terms and should not leave any questions unanswered. However, if you are missing a definition, please write to us at We will then include the term if possible.