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Contact the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

Do you have questions about stock exchange trading, the stock exchange, specific securities or this website? Then you will find answers on this page.
Important advise
Criminals are currently asking consumers to make transfers to third parties in the name of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Do not respond to them. We will NEVER ask you to make payments to third parties by telephone or e-mail.
If you receive concerns of this kind, please inform us using the form on the right.
Questions regarding orders
Please direct any questions regarding specific orders or transactions to your order-executing bank as the direct exchange participant, which may involve the respective exchange or the Trading Surveillance Office in the response.
You are also welcome to report possible breaches of rules (in particular market manipulation and insider trading) to the Trading Surveillance Office by e-mail to huest@deutsche-boerse.com. Please note, however, that the Trading Surveillance Office is obliged to maintain confidentiality in accordance with the Stock Exchange Act and the Market Abuse Regulation and cannot inform the whistleblower of the results of its investigations.
Notes and suggestions on our online services
With such a comprehensive range of services as the boerse-frankfurt.de website and the Börse Frankfurt app, with lots of data on 1.5 million securities, two markets, numerous news items and other information, it is inevitable that there will be a hitch at one point or another.We welcome any suggestions. Or do you have a suggestion for improving our service?
Then please use the forms on the right.
Markets Frankfurt and Xetra
How can I start to invest?
To buy or sell securities on the stock exchange, you need a securities account at a bank. You manage your securities in this custody account.You send buy and sell orders to the desired trading venue via this bank.This can be a traditional bank or an online bank. Synonyms for this are online broker, discount broker, neo-broker.
Can I buy securities directly from you?
Unfortunately not. Like all other exchanges, we do not offer private investors direct access to our marketplaces. Trading takes place via affiliated banks (see “How can I trade on the stock exchange?”)
What costs are incurred when buying or selling?
Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to this question, because you have a business relationship with your bank, which in turn has a business relationship with the stock exchange. The fees charged by your custodian bank for executing an order are a matter for your bank and are handled very differently. Some simply pass on the transaction fee as a stock exchange fee, others do not include it separately in the bank charges. What your bank pays us depends on many factors such as the asset class and the selected fee model.
A tip: Comparing offers on the Internet or with consumer organizations provides a good overview of the current price structures of custodian banks. In addition, switching by transferring securities is usually simple and free of charge.
Buying or selling securities from abroad
If you want to buy or sell a security on one of our marketplaces, you need a custodian bank with access to the marketplace. We do not offer private investors direct access. See “Trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange” above.
Which bank is suitable depends on the marketplace: around 900 shares and 3,000 ETFs/ETPs are traded on Xetra and on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. All bonds, certificates, leveraged products and actively managed funds are only traded on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.
For EU citizens: Most banks offer custody accounts. You can find a list of all banks connected for trading on xetra.com.
International: We don't really know who has access via a broker outside Germany. You can contact the specialist who trades the bond in Frankfurt. You can find them by searching on the bond's data sheet and using the contact details on the Internet.
Suspended shares
Suspensions in the Open Market are usually initiated by the securities trading banks, the specialists.
As a rule, we are not aware of the reasons. Nor do we know when the suspension will end.
Please contact the bank in charge. You will find them on the data sheet of the share and the contact details on the Internet. You can find out more about the suspension of securities at boerse-frankfurt.de.
Why is share xy traded at Börse Frankfurt?
Securities that are traded on the Open Market are included in trading by the specialist operating on the Frankfurt trading floor. The respective issuer is often unaware of the inclusion.
Please contact the securities trading bank that has included the shares in trading. You can find this on the data sheet of the security via the search function. You can easily find the relevant contact details on the Internet.
Is company xy not listed anymore?
Delistings, i.e. the discontinuation of trading in securities, are published for both marketplaces, Xetra and Börse Frankfurt, on the Xetra Newsboard. There you can search for old reports using the international securities identification number (ISIN). The data sheets are deactivated on the website after a few days.
- Xetra Newsboard on xetra.com
Swiss shares not tradable
In 2019, an agreement expired that established the equivalence of trading standards on stock exchanges in EU countries and on the SIX Swiss Exchange in Zurich (known as stock exchange equivalence). A new partnership agreement was to be concluded in 2019, but the government in Bern did not sign the EU's draft agreement due to domestic political disputes. At the end of May 2021, Switzerland finally broke off negotiations on a new agreement.
Can you please make foreign share xy tradable?
International shares are included into trading by the specialist. Eight security trading banks are active on Frankfurt floor. They decide which shares they want to include into trading. It is not a decision of Deutsche Börse.
Some big shares are not traded in Frankfurt, because they don't have a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI), which has been mandatory since 2012. Companies have to apply for a LEI themselves and some just don't do it.
Prospectus or term sheets of bonds
We don’t have any prospectus or term sheets of the bonds traded in Open Market in Frankfurt. The prospectus of German issues are available the first six month after approval on the website of the BAFin. It would be an idea to contact the issuer.
Bond is not tradable
Sometimes bonds cannot be traded because there is no key information document (KID), which will become mandatory in 2023 with the introduction of the PRIIPs Regulation. The issuers of the securities must provide the KID, which many international providers in particular do not do.
Unfortunately, we do not have any information on which bonds do not have a key information document.
Different yields of bonds
The yield at the last price refers to the current price and is the least important.
The yield to ask price is the relevant one if you want to buy. It refers to the current offer to buy.
The yield at the bid price is the relevant one if you want to sell. It refers to the current offer to sell.
Bond prices including or excluding accrued interest
The prices of bonds on boerse-frankfurt.de are without possible accrued interest, so-called clean prices. Prices including accrued interest are called dirty prices.
If you buy a bond at the percentage price in the data sheet, additional interest payments are due to the previous owner for the holding period since the previous interest payment date.
Buying a bond that is listed in Frankfurt
Bonds are traded at Börse Frankfurt. We do not really know who has access via some broker outside of Germany. You can use any bank with access to the market place Frankfurt.
For EU citizens: Most banks offer custody accounts. You can find a list of all banks connected for trading on xetra.com. But be aware that Xetra and Börse Frankfurt are two different market places.
Or you contact the specialist trading the bond in Frankfurt. You find them on the data sheet of the bond and the contact details in the internet.
ETFs and ETPs
My ETF is delisted from the stock exchange. What does this mean?
It is not uncommon for ETFs and ETPs to be closed by their providers. As the management fees are usually low and the profit margin is very small, the profitability of a product depends heavily on the assets under management. In most cases, ETFs are then merged or paid out at their current value.
If an ETF is only delisted because it no longer fulfils listing regulations, you can return your shares to the provider at any time.
Actively managed funds
An actively managed public fund is not found
Unfortunately, we only show the funds that are also available for trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. That is around 3,000 of the 7,000 mutual funds admitted for public distribution in Germany.
The inclusion of funds in trading is the responsibility of the two securities trading banks in the fund market, Baader Bank and ICF Bank. They are involved if they can determine the current prices and procure or return the fund units.
Prices, quotes and index points
What is an indication like the DAX indication?
Indications are prices or index levels on financial websites that are calculated on the basis of reference markets. For example, the DAX indication is based on the prices of DAX shares in floor trading. The “real” DAX is calculated using the prices of DAX shares in Xetra trading and Xetra is open from 9 am to 5:30 pm. The L/E-DAX, the Late and Early DAX, is also based on floor prices, while the X-DAX is derived from DAX futures. Other indications are based on international over-the-counter early and late trading.
Prices without turnover
The security is traded in the specialist trading model on Frankfurt floor. The specialist fix at least one price daily. If there is no buyer or seller they base their price on a reference market. Most of the time it is the home market with the most turnover of all market places.
Query prices and other market data
Obtaining prices and other market data
Unfortunately, we do not offer real-time prices via feed. This is another division of Deutsche Börse Group, Market Data + Services.
- A list of vendors who have subscribed to our prices and redistribute our prices can be found at mds.deutsche-boerse.com/mds-en/real-time-data/vendorlist.
Retrieval of historical market data for personal use
Market Data + Services of Deutsche Börse Group is responsible for the distribution of exchange prices and index levels. You can query individual data and data series in the Data Shop: