- b (price addendum)
- B-shares
- Backwardation
- Balance-sheet analysis
- Bar chart
- Base currency
- Base interest rate
- Basis point
- Basis trade
- Basket certificate
- bB (price addendum)
- Bear Call Spread
- Bear flag
- Bear market
- Bear trap
- Bearer share
- Bears
- Benchmark
- Beta factor
- bG (price addendum)
- Bid
- Bid price
- Bid-ask spread
- Black-Scholes model
- Blue chips
- Bobl Future
- Bodies of the stock exchange
- Bond
- Bond index
- Bonus
- Bonus certificate
- Bonus shares
- Bonus thresholt
- Book-building
- Bookbuilding range
- Börsenordnung (Stock Exchange Rules and Regulations)
- Börsenrat (Exchange Council)
- Break-even point (warrants)
- Breakout gap
- Bridge capital
- Broker
- Brokerage commission
- Bund Future
- Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BAFin)
- Business angel
- Business plan
- Buyback
Bodies of the stock exchange
Committees that are directly responsible for performing the functions of the stock exchange
As stipulated in the 1994 amendment to the German Stock Exchange Act, the bodies of the stock exchange comprise the Exchange Council, the Exchange Operating Board, Market Surveillance, the Sanctions Committee and the Arbitration Panel of the stock exchange.
The Stock Exchange Act and the Stock Exchange Rules and Regulations require that the admission of securities to trading be handled by two separate exchange bodies: the Admissions Office the Official Market and the Admissions Committee for securities not listed in the Official Market.
The relevant provisions can be found in sections 1, 3, 9, 28, 30, 37, 72 of the Stock Exchange Act.
Our glossary explains important financial terms and should not leave any questions unanswered. However, if you are missing a definition, please write to us at We will then include the term if possible.