- Offering price
- Official Market (Amtlicher Markt)
- Offsetting transaction
- Omega (warrants)
- Open Market (Freiverkehr)
- Open outcry
- Open-ended real estate funds
- Opening price
- Opération blanche
- Operational profit
- Option
- Option premium
- Option writer
- Order
- Order book
- Order book statistics
- Order routing
- Ordinary share
- OTC (over-the-counter) trading
- Other types of certificates
- Out of the money (warrants)
- Outperformance certificate
- Overweight
Increasing the weight of a share, sector or type of investment in a portfolio
Market participants speak of overweighting when buying or selling a particular type of investment (e.g. shares, bonds and warrants), a region or sector, ultimately changing the weighting of their depot. This weighting is usually stated in percent. The additional purchase of securities lends the respective type a stronger weight in the portfolio.
Analysts often use these terms to express their recommendations to either buy (overweight) or sell (underweight) shares.
Our glossary explains important financial terms and should not leave any questions unanswered. However, if you are missing a definition, please write to us at We will then include the term if possible.