- Laspeyres index
- Last price
- Late indices
- Lead brokers
- Lead manager
- Legal Entity Identifier
- Leverage (Warrant)
- Liability for statement made in a propectus (Prospekthaftung)
- Limit
- Limit order
- Line chart
- Liquidity
- Liquidity Category
- Liquidity Classes
- List price
- Listing
- Load (XTF)
- Loan value
- Lockup period
- Lokomarket
- Lombard rate
- Long position
- Low
Loan value
Maximum line of credit that is collateralised by a securities account.
The loan value of a securities account is calculated on a daily basis by the bank where the account is maintained. The bank defines margin limits for particular securities categories. In Germany, investors can usually borrow up to 50 percent of the value of the German shares in their account, and up to 60 percent of the value of bonds and investment funds held.
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