- Laspeyres index
- Last price
- Late indices
- Lead brokers
- Lead manager
- Legal Entity Identifier
- Leverage (Warrant)
- Liability for statement made in a propectus (Prospekthaftung)
- Limit
- Limit order
- Line chart
- Liquidity
- Liquidity Category
- Liquidity Classes
- List price
- Listing
- Load (XTF)
- Loan value
- Lockup period
- Lokomarket
- Lombard rate
- Long position
- Low
Liquidity Classes
Liquidity classes comprise all equities with similar liquidity. They are reviewed on a monthly basis. The trading parameters are calculated weekly for Designated Sponsors, as for example Maximum Spread and Minimum quote size. National or international instruments of the Prime Standard or national instruments of the General Standard within liquidity category B which need to be supported by Designated Sponsors due to their low liquidity are assigned to liquidity class 1 up to 3. All foreign instruments that are not listed in Prime Standard or in the Xetra Stars Segment but categorised in liquidity category B are assigned to liquidity class 4. Liquidity class 5 includes the European Stars and Liqudity Class 6 contains the US Stars, whereas both segments provide trading parameters for both Designated Sponsors and Market Experts. Liquidity class 7 which contains all highly liquid instruments within liquidity category A are continuously traded even without the support of a Designated Sponsor.